Balancing the interests of public legal entities and investors for sustainable socio and economic development (example of Shkotovskiy municipality)

  • Andreev V.A.

    V. A. Andreev Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


Abstract. The ongoing modernization of transport and logistics infrastructure in Shkotovskiy district sets the alternative points for dispatching the export cargoes off the Russian Far East. According to preliminary estimation a pool of convergent investment projects will be able to
pull in 42.6 billion rubles until 2030. The article reveals the incentives for investing into the municipal projects and the public legal entity key targets for developing the territory. The investment opportunities are disclosed following to analysis of economic and statistical data on
investment projects until 2030. The investment strategy is aimed at identifying growth points and supporting accelerator projects in four spheres which create highest added value – transportation and logistics, socio recreation, agriculture, industrial manufacturing. It is expected
that a balanced implementation of investment section of the strategy will create conditions for the structural transformation of the economy and reveals a new economic structure based on innovative and technological development, industrial cooperation and integration
of Shkotovskiy district in the national and international economic chains. It complies the Sustainable Development Goal 9 – Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.
Keywords: strategy development, investment incentives, economic acceleration, added value economy.